1993, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
The daughter of the mysterious depths of Mother Bahia, where arteries of living waters sustain in faith, abound, Ventura Profana prophesizes multiplication and abundant Black, Indigenous, and travesti life. She disrupts the haze: erotic, atomic, taking red like a religion.
Indoctrinated in Baptist temples, she is a missionary minister, an Evangelist singer, a writer, composer, and visual artist. Her practice is rooted in the research of the implications and methodologies of Deuteronomism from Brazil and abroad, through the diffusion of Neo-Pentecostal churches. The oil of daisies, boa constrictors, and reginas goes down all mighty through paths, until it floods her with desire: unction. Praise, like embedding a dagger drenched in cerol, and rust in Pharisee hearts.